If you pretend to visit Brazil, buying a travel insurance plan is essential for your safety and it can help you to have a peace of mind trip!

Besides all the benefits of acquiring a travel insurance plan, the Brazilian government released in August 26th, an ordinance, called “PORTARIA CC-PR MJSP MINFRA MS Nº 419, DE 26 DE AGOSTO DE 2020” that requires to all travelers, having a travel insurance plan with at least these coverages:

  • I – The travel insurance Brazil plan has to cover all the trip duration
  • II - A medical coverage policy with at least R$ 30.000,00 for medical expenses
  • III – The insurance policy language has to be in Brazilian Portuguese or English

For your safety, Multi Seguro Viagem has great options of plans from the best insurers, that covers the Brazilian ordinance and even more situations in your trip to Brazil.

To receive a quote, you can contact us by one of the options below: